Today Facebook rolled out their latest advancement in user ability to express emotions other than “like” on a post shared by an individual or brand page. This new feature is called Facebook Reactions and it adds significant value to the interaction process because “liking” everything just isn’t really practical. This has been an issue for users over the past several years, as “like” and “share” were the only two options available. So you could not express any other reaction to the post other than “liking” it without fully describing your issue in detail via comment.
Facebook is continuing to advance their social media technology in order to appeal to more users and generate additional demographic targeting data for their advertising platform. So this addition of functionality is not only good for users, but it will enhance advertiser intelligence in their target demographics.
Business insights and analytics data is at the forefront of the decision making process for any advertiser, so these enhancements to Facebook’s platform are greatly welcomed by the digital marketing community.
Original press release: